It doesn't matter where I'm going or what I'm doing travel wise, I get obsessed with the what to bring, how much, the needs and want scenarios and whatever else might come into play that it makes me a little nutty until I leave. Today is that day. Ugh!
My flight is at 5:30 in the morning Friday and knowing full well already that I won't sleep before I leave is already in my mind. My thought here is that if I write it down and get it out of my head it won't happen and I can release the worry that is waiting it's turn. That worry usually transforms itself into a shot of adrenaline right before I fall asleep with the ONE thing I've forgotten! Lord help me.
Yesterday, I promised myself that this spring, summer and fall with all of it's events coming up I would NOT over pack. It doesn't matter what the venue is, but I do this painfully so every single time! Camping trips, weddings, retreats, reunions, or whatever else might come up in the weeks and months ahead.. day trips for goodness sake! :( Help me! Help me! Help me!
Becoming a minimalist and traveling with one pair of panties and my knitting in my purse isn't going to happen just because of a promise I made to myself yesterday, but I think it would be a good practice this trip to bring half of what I "think" I will need.
I'm going from one home to another with no galas in place and all kiddos and family around. Hardly a concern clothing wise, but my choices of books, handwork and travel art journals are starting to pile up as I'll have some free time during the week while the kiddos are in school. There's a pool at the house! What am I thinking.. Ugh~ Again.

Wish me luck! Nashville here I come~
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Peace~ Denice