I'm a great starter. I LOVE the new. The beginning.. the energy that exists in that space. The flow of the muse, creative vibe and prospective amazingness that could be, if only I could get beyond the initial grand excitement of the hatched plan and move forward into logistics and the actual pulling it all together.. That is where I have trouble most times, but I am getting better. It's taken almost half of a century to get there but it's coming. :)

I've always envied people that could finish things. Those folks that decide to do something, get the train moving in the right direction and ride that idea straight through to the end.
Book closed, last chapter, weight balanced, retreat experienced, design brought to life!
Those kinds of people... I am not one of them. I do try, and I'm actually getting better but it is always a conscious effort and has brought with it the abrasive and edgy practice of, "discipline"! Ugh!! Not my best look, but it does work. Surprisingly.

One of the best ways that I've found success is sort of child like in its nature, but it truly gets me from resistance to actively moving forward. Simply by, timing myself. Yes, just like the kids cleaning up their rooms or doing their homework. I guess I'm a little stunted in that area of my life, but, hey.. whatever works, right?!?
We've all heard, "you can do anything if it's only for... an hour, fifteen minutes, one day"! I have found great success in this simple practice and it works for just about anything. Cleaning, working in the yard, spending time with difficult people, going into box stores, breathing through writhing contractions during child birth! Often times the timer creates the discipline I need to sit and simply check the boxes off from a list I've made a mile long, but in doing so it leads me closer and closer to my completed projects, plans and ideas, all the way to the finish line!! I've found that it's "the idea" of the task at hand where my resistance rises, not the actual task itself. So, if I time myself at the beginning, in no time I've become deeply engaged and fully present far beyond any self imposed limits! Bliss.
What does any of this have to do with 2019 or new beginnings and such? Well, mostly it's that I've been resisting my writing, creative projects and blog posting since last April. In my defense, in that time I've had close and extended family that have struggled with a series of serious health issues and with so much going on I didn't have much of a creative desire for anything.
Thankfully life and things have started to balance out a bit more, which fortunately opened up some space for a few new creative ideas to start and bloom. Voila! My 15 minute timed writing session has turned into my first 2019 Blog Post. :) It works for me!
Happy New Year Friends!