Wednesday, July 19, 2017

How Does This Happen?

A year ago?? Shut the front door!! Not just a year, but a year and three months since I've shown up on the page here on this venue. Y'all must have thought that I got lost in Nashville, cause that's the last post I wrote. Wow!

Life is precious isn't it? A rhetorical question of course but a question that comes up in the best of life's moments and in the worst. A lot of life has happened in that last stretch of time, but bringing it all to the present moment doesn't support where I am today, but it does however make me a little bit more of who I am now. So, that said.. I am in hope of working my way back into this space and for all of my five followers I apologize. Lol.. My public awaits! :)

Coming back to this space again and again has been an inner pull for going on ten years now! The blog arena seems to enrapture me in all of my eclectic avenues and although it is intermittent, it always feels like the best fit. This morning I was trying to navigate  a new platform on Wordpress but didn't have the patience and thought, "why reinvent the whole thing right now when you already have a place to write".

So, for now we will see how this goes and maybe down the road a bit, my new and more evolved blogging self will get a new groove on and bring it. But until then, or until my soon to be 25 year old son stops in long enough to pick his tech support mind, A Fiberlicious Account it will be. :)


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