~Maya Angelou
Disappointment can throw me for a loop. Probably a collective thought for many. What I conjure in my mind and what reality shows up with at my door can lift me to heights of squirrelly head time, turning over old hurts and unresolved conflicts in my heart that have absolutely no business in any current moment, day or situation.
"What did you expect?"
That question, I've asked myself so many times in quiet reflection after the fact, and now after many, many years of inner work and navigation I pause when I ask it. I pause because I know better now.

Figuratively speaking of course.. from my contemplative sleepy state this morning, forgive me for over sharing.. :) My only expectation last night was to sleep, and look at the hot mess I've become from that little gem! (insert eye roll). Onward!!

The simplicity of her visual message was all it took to shift my current mindset and change the course of every moment I share today, with myself, my loved ones, the earth, my work.. and boil it all down to, I am just tired. No big thing.
The puppy was up and down last night,(but I have a puppy!!). My "sugar free" peppermint ice cream didn't settle well, wired me up like a ten day clock around midnight just the same(but I thoroughly enjoyed that ice cream). Her quote tempered me, helped me shift course and come back to the moments of this day and this time.. One simple truth is powerful! We are powerful. The one thing we do today might cause that shift for someone else~funny how that works.
So, if I'm feeling a bit sensitive today, I don't have to accomplish much, I can take it easy a bit.. it's not the end all, be all of my life.. ( I have a life, I am healthy, I have a bed.. and a puppy!!) I just don't hang very well when I am tired.
Today, I will, Keep it Simple..
For today, when my inner spirit is all like.. let do this and this and this... my mind and body can look at her sidelong and nod their collective heads.... mmmmm, no.
I think we are all kind of tired. Tired of the collective "this", and that's ok too.
I am certain, without a doubt that all of the HomeGoods, TJMaxx and HobbyLobby signs that tout, "Let's Stay Home" will collectively be in the clearance bin come June 1st. Ha!
To end...
"Ripples in the ocean from one beautiful stone plunged high and deep, roll on forever until they meet the shore they are destined to touch.."
This morning, Maya, your ripple touched my shore and I am grateful. Thank you.
~my reflection above, divinely inspired, of course.
So, today, I am choosing to press my RESET button.. Flush my expectations of what could have been, should have been, last night, this morning or yesterday and tired or not, try my very best to see what is in front of me the way Maya describes above.
My only expectation today will be of myself.
To witness God's creations that abound and surrounds me, shine light on them and say thank you.
Happy Monday Peeps..
Beautifully said, sis.....hope you catch a nap later, but if not, being tired certainly inspired your blog! Loved it, and love you very much!
ReplyDeleteAwww.....my heart goes out to you and a huge hug, too! I do sometimes have those kinds of days, and do "just sit", now.....it makes the next day all that much better! Thank you for your kind heart.....