I woke up this morning from a dream where I was in a small boat with one of my sisters.. The waters were rushing all around us, it felt like a river but was leading to the ocean, so I'm not truly sure of where we were. The boat was taking on water fast and before we really knew what was going on or what level of danger we were in, it was too late and the water began to rush even faster around us.
The orrs fell out and the rope that was meant to tie off at the bow caught up around my sister and she was pulled under as the boat began to sink. Panic stuck and the fear gave me strength that I never knew I had. I was able to hold onto the boat with one hand, grab a leaning tree branch with the other and with my body hanging in the middle pull the boat toward me to the embankment of the river, all the while my sister was under water tied to the sinking boat...
Scary to wake up like that.. After clearing my head and thinking about some of the drifting away dream I could see the pieces of it all and where my subconscious was drawing all of it's drama from.
Instead of feeling a daunting cloud of doom and vowing to never again get in a boat, on a river, with my sister... I thought about courage. The courage that it took for her to trust me in our dream together. That although she was destined to drown in what was happening in that moment she let go and relaxed and let me help her.
The courage that it takes to let go of something that you have no control over is incredible. To be able to trust something bigger then ourselves, even if you feel you haven't got a choice in the matter, when it all comes at you so fast that you can't do anything but trust. That takes amazing courage!
As the dream filtered out and my mind came back to the new day ahead I was relieved to say the least that we had come along side the shore, she had a grasp on the roots beneath the surface and was able to start pulling herself back up above the rushing water as I held tight to our tree of life and the boat.
Together our strength increased and we were safe once again.
Life is like that sometimes. Rushing, scary, full of anxiety and uncertainty. Living today does take great courage on so many levels and I am so relieved to not have to walk alone. Our course and strength does come from within, a higher power navigational system that we all have access to, however you believe it to be sourced from. Allowing that power to work through us is our job as well as to be fearless! What a wild adventure it will be.

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