It's been a week since I resurrected my blog and it seems like the timing has been perfect as far as flow and content ideas are concerned. My writer's mind is reeling as it often does when the creative side is driving and I find myself spooling with fun topics, scenarios interesting perspectives, at least I think so with the fun flurry of creative energy that streams onto the page.
So, of course I am extremely verbal and in my more conservative crowd of people I begin to SHARE.
"I started my blog back up".. this and that about ideas, taking pictures of everything, telling them how to find it, "click here and click there".. "follow me", "subscribe to my feed".. Oh my goodness.. kinda nutty, but the excitement is contagious and they seem to be genuinely interested in this foreign idea to them and are at least open to entertaining me which I am grateful for, it's possible they could just be being kind. Who knows. What I did discover in the last week is a common question amidst my nearest and dearest that had the purest pleasure of my creative processing verbal word storm..
The question was, why do you blog?
Simple enough right. Well, I actually had a very quick answer to that and it was pure and true and I kind of surprised myself by the answer as well.

Blogging teaches me something as well. That I don't know squat about a lot of things and that I know a damn lot about others.. It teaches me to be attentive, to be patient, to listen to peoples stories and to be present in every situation. There is so much to learn and to be apart of in our lives and if the blogging reaches just a few cyber spirits and creates just one smile, one new thought, inspires a creative impulse or slows you down just long enough to realign yourself and be present, then it has done it's job.
I went to the library this week, which is my heaven by the way.. and picked up some books on blogging. "Blogging For Dummies".. Lol.. perfect! I learned that "Blog" was derived from the words web and log.. hence the name blog. I couldn't help but revert immediately to my childhood memory of The Electric Company shadow people that would enunciate the sounds of words. One side saying a portion of a word and the shadow person on the other side would finish it.. WEB~LOG, BLOG.
I hope that explains the why of it. Comments below the post are my only way of knowing what your thoughts are so feel free to post away! Who knows, maybe I'll be reading yours someday as well.
Peace Always~ Denice
Ah, just like having my cup of tea at the end of the day, reading your sweet blog of musings offers me the chance to visit and reconnect with your spirit, dear sister! Love you ~
ReplyDeleteI miss our spirit walks too Deb.. Hoping spring and warmer weather will bring us closer again. Love you too!
Delete:) Love it. Keep writing. Makes me feel like I'm home.
ReplyDeleteThanks Zack. So glad you feel that way~ Love you!