Friday, July 21, 2017

Express Yourself!

It still amazes me, the shift that happens within my writer's mind when I allow space to let it play. The ideas, the scenarios, the presence in all things that just seems to come when that door is cracked open. Part of me knows deep inside that the reason I don't "go there" is because of this shift.

Life in the last seven months has been nothing short of a crazy train of changes, new opportunities, milestones, and forward momentum for so many of the people that surround me and that I love in my life. My creative internal pause button has been on during all of these months and as I begin to open up to this blog platform I know it is going to be difficult to be here.

My personality is one that does't really know how to do anything part way, I'm either in or I'm out.. It seems very severe and rigid for someone who leans on the flowery side of life most days, but that is kind of how it happens and is part of who I am to the chagrin of my nearest and dearest.  This askew concentration becomes very evident when I begin to write. I hyper focus on the material, I day dream about the next piece, I envision every photo into a story or a non fiction narrative and the rest of my life skitters off the path and becomes a trail of tears in my literary wake. This is why I don't always "go there", as it obviously can be a struggle.

Fortunately, the longer I've lived and opened this door I've come to terms with the monkey mind that shows up on the page and although it may take me down the path of no return for a time, during the writing, I've managed to place a rein on it. My daily writing in my journals over the last twenty five years is where I have wrestled and trained. This practice has allowed my inner monkey to relax a bit knowing the ideas are safely tucked away and have not escaped my attention. "Some day", I assure it... we will sit down and get these written, but for now we need to go grocery shopping... Lol..

I'm not crazy, just creative! I need a t-shirt that says that.

The muse or our creative selves are a living, breathing part of who we all are, some of us just access it easier then others. Mine shifts.. Thank God! I am grateful for that. When I'm not writing, I'm cooking, if I'm not cooking, I'm mixing up salves and concoctions with my essential oils and herbal remedies.. If not that, then making jams, pickles, gardening, reading, exploring mixed media arts of all shapes and sizes, taking pictures & thinking about writing... That usually gets me back on the page in short order. It's all good in my opinion.

Expressing who we really are in whatever way we can, in whatever time allows during the seasons of our lives is imperative to the Greatest Creator of all.. This is why we are here people. :))

How will you bring it today? I know I am not alone. Have a monkey mind kind of day~



  1. Ah, doesn't that feel good? Love reading your musings and always get something from them. Thank you for writing again. Love you!
