Thursday, May 7, 2020

New Beginnings Till The End...

Somewhere along the line, way back in time I evolved as a self proclaimed beginner.

I love to explore, do creative things and am always open to what something could be... the possibilities are endless! This process is almost always apart of my dailyness. It's not a bad thing, I can't really help it and honestly I don't really want to. It's kind of who I am.

On the other hand, my follow through isn't always great. Not on every level, because I do get a lot of things accomplished, they are just not the things that are important to some or are not on the never ending preverbial list.. Oiy!!

Spring Seedlings
But, I have found that if you leave me alone long enough and don't distract me with some other thing that has no baring on my own circular process or thinking, I get to the finishing of it in my own way and in my own time.

This pandemic and full time isolation at home with a linear minded partner is a bit of a challenge. For both of us.

Ginger Chili Lime Shrub
Most of the time I roll into the day with new plans, ideas, concoctions and then he wakes up... haha.. plods along, follows his list and in a very orderly fashion gets his own things done. I melt into the ground at the thought.. :)

Unfortunately, in the very best way, I think I drive him nuts most of the time. He is very sweet and quiet about it as a rule, but he continues to try to organize me and keep me tucked neatly into a box and I continually bust out all over the place.. (house being the box...)

When I am home or we are home together, my blooming, decocting, eclectic projects, piles and creative messiness sprawl about "the box" and he makes it his mission to follow around behind me putting everything away, ordered in some way and swept up, a bit too many times I'm afraid. I tell him to leave it but somehow he just can't..
Naan Fiddlehead Pizza

Homemade Naan
It is a choreographed dance we have crafted over 32 years of a life together, it works for us, but in small bites.. not pandemic levels!!

We are both relieved I think when he has to go to work at his essential job and we can take a much needed break from all that dancing! Phew! :)

Enters... the puppy!!

Willow's First Ride
Now he is outnumbered.. Thank God! I have an ally! There is no putting this little lady in a box and she even
throws up and poops in the car! Chews the legs of the tables, chairs, shoes... runs a buck eighty with razor sharp teeth straight for your bare legs and it's either rangle that girl or make sure you've got plenty of band aides.. Zoomies we call those bursts of crazy.. anyone with a dog knows what these are.. Zoomies are wild and random and full of life!! They make all three of us excited, breathless and scared all at the same time and it's wonderful after the dust settles and we can relax or take a nap.

Post Zoomies
I'm grateful for Willow, our little furry and I am grateful for my dear one and all of his attention to detail. There's no one I'd rather do this life trek with!

But for now, my messy new ideas, random projects and piles pale in comparison to Zoomies, throw up and poop so I get to fly under the radar for a while..

Have a great day!!

Favorite Dance Partner

1 comment:

  1. Love the zoomies...they are here in Jackman as well! Keep on keeping on...time for a walk! My sanity awaits in the fresh air of the morning, the songs of the birds, and the motion...need movement to get to the next place, wherever that may be!
